Development Communication

  • Development Communication | Case Studies And Experience

    So far, we have discussed various aspects of development communication. We have read the definitions of development communication by various authors. We have studied the philosophy of development communication. It is purposive, positive and pragmatic. Then we discussed the emphasis on development communication given by Daniel Lerner, Everett Rogers and Wilbur Schramm. Communication is a…

  • Strategies in Development Communication

    A strategy is the careful formulation of plans towards aclie$ng a goal. Since development communication is goal-oriented, one has to be careful in planning communication strategies. There may be a number of communication strategies for the achievement of a particular communication goal. There is a need to analyse these very carefully. Since these strategies are…

  • Development Dichotomies

    By now it should be possible to see that economic development deals with objectives, which may result in conflicting consequences. Here, we shall consider some of these conflicting aspects, which am called development dichotomies. Here we shall consider only a few of such dichotomies like Growth vs. Justice and Rural vs. Urban. Growth vs. Justice:…

  • Characteristics of Developing Countries vs Developed Country

    Faced with these complexities in conceptualizing development, there are many textbookswhich try to present underdevelopment in terms of certain common characteristics of thedeveloping countries. These includelow levels of living,low levels of productivity,high rates of population growth,high and rising levels of unemployment,underemployment, andhigh dependence on agriculture and other primary production. Development, in contrast, is associated with…

  • Case Studies on Communication-support to Agriculture

    This essay briefly outlines a few case studies of development support communication through the mass media. These case studies represent only Indian experiences and do not cover experiments outside India. 1) Radio Rural ForumsBasing on the Canadian experience, the Radio Rural Forum experiment was conducted by the All India Radio at Poona during 1956. The…

  • Diffusion of Innovation for Development Support Communication

    Research on the diffusion of innovations model began with Bryce Ryan and Neal C. Gross investigation (1943) of the diffusion of hybrid seed corn among Iowa farmers. By 1941, about thirteen years after its release by agricultural researchers, this innovation was adopted by almost 100 per cent of Iowa farmers. Ryan and Gross studied the…

  • Extension Approaches System

    The national extension service of the early fifties, with its broad objective of improving the management of the traditional agriculture, envisaged participation of elected representatives of the people, a network of village-level functionaries and subject matter specialists, and the greater use of audio-visual aids. The Intensive Agricultural District Programme (IADP) of the sixties was envisaged…

  • The Genesis of Agricultural Extension

    The Agricultural Extension was initiated in the fifties of the twentieth century in many of the developing countries. The study of the diffusion of hybrid corn by Ryan and Gross, in 1942 established the critical role of technological information for increased farm production. Agricultural extension education, as a part of agricultural sciences, branched off as…

  • Development-Support Communication for Environment and Development

    In 1987, the World Commission on Environment and Development, a United Nations body, published its findings in ‘Our Common Future’, known as the Brundtland Report. It says that problems of environment and development are interlinked and that economic interdependence among nations is increasing.’ Areas focussed on included: population and food security; the loss of species…

  • Development-Support Communication for Education and Society

    Education is the process of bringing desirable change in the behaviour of human beings. It can also be defined as the process of imparting or acquiring knowledge through instruction or study. If education is to be effective, it should result in a change in knowledge, skill, attitude and understanding. Thus, in education, the greatest emphasis…