Development Communication

  • Health and Development-Support Communication

    Development implies progressive improvement in the living conditions and quality of life of individuals, community and society. Development in one sphere of life leads to development in other spheres. Thus, no distinction can be drawn between economic, social and health development. Economic development is an instrument to achieve social development which, in turn, is necessary…

  • Development Communication | Role in Population and Family Welfare

    Development Communication can play a tremendous role in popularising Family Planning Schemes. Before knowing about the role of DevCom in this regard, it is necessary to examine the size of the Indian Population and its role in economic development. From the viewpoint of population, India ranks 2nd in the World and from the viewpoint of…

  • Development Support Communication

    Development support communication approach to Devcom is for evolving effective communication strategy for development projects. Development support communication perspective on development sees development awareness, motivation for development and participation in development as a realistic approach leading to the development effort. The human and localised development approach to communication and credibility are the prerequisites because people…

  • Panchayati Raj-Planning at Various Levels

    What is Panchayati Raj? Decentralized Planning is a system through which planning is done at different smaller administrative and executive levels. As you know the objective is to establish greater linkage between the developmental needs and priorities of local areas and different social classes in keeping with the sub-national and national level development policies and…

  • Development Communication | Democratic Decentralisation

    What is Decentralization? The process in which the power or authority present in the hands of the State and Central Government is taken back and is allocated to the local government it is called decentralization. In this mechanism, the authoritative nature of people with power is eradicated and powers are handed over to the suitable…

  • Role of Media in Development Communication

    Communication is used for more than just passing on information from one person to another. It is often used as a tool to facilitate the participation of people in developmental activities. Such form of communication is known as development communication. According to Everett Rogers, “Development communication refers to the uses to which communication are put…

  • The Development Communication Process

    The development communication aims at the behavioural change for the social and economic growth of a particular public. Till now we have studied that development communication is a strategic process of disseminating messages based on pre-conceived policy and plans. Thus this process involves a few fundamental steps to achieve its goals. These steps can be…

  • Development Communication | Concept and Philosophy

    The social approach to communication emphasises on the effect of the message on the other person or persons. According to this approach, the message needs to have stimulation value and effect. Communication can take place at different development levels of the social system. A social system has been defined as a collectivity of units which…

  • Development Communication | Meaning and Definitions

    Devcom’ is the technical term which is often used for development communication. The role of Devcom is to create the environment if necessary for development to succeed. Wittman defines it as an organised systematic effort to apply knowledge about social health and pathology in such a manner. as to enhance and preserve the social and…

  • Approaches to Development

    There are various ways to look at the development and execute plans to achieve development goals. We have understood the Meaning and Concept of Development and we know about the Issues and problems in development, now we will understand how we will approach the development to solve these problems. What is Approach? The approach is…